

目前顯示的是 2015的文章
🌰🍦-栗子蓉紐紋雪糕- Mont blonc Hokkaido ice cream $40 👉期間限定👈四個字又再次秒殺左我。。 本身吾食栗子既我都整左幾啖黎食, 栗子蓉既味道係幾突出既, 配番純北海道牛乳味雪糕應該會好d, 因為紐紋雪糕既抹茶味亦頗突出, 3種吾同既味互搶對方既味道, 所以吾係好feel到邊隻味先係主角 不過個人始終鍾情於Cha Cha既抹茶x牛乳雪糕, 臨走前都要整番支先~ 賣相: 7/10 味道: 7/10 推薦程度: 7/10
-抹茶黑糖竹炭蛋糕- Matcha & Black Sugar Charcoal Cake $198 呢個東海堂出品既抹茶蛋糕外觀看下去平平無奇, 但一切下去, 蛋糕變得好有層次感 蛋糕先由頗滑兼企身既cream形成蛋糕既外形 蛋糕中心以忌廉、抹茶味、竹炭味等做成一層層鬆軟既蛋糕, 每一啖都感受到多重既味道 竹炭味比抹茶味較突出, 蛋糕甜度適中, 底部既朱古力脆脆為蛋糕增添口感 個人吾係忌廉愛好者, 所以就個人而言, 忌廉好似多了點 賣相: 7.5/10 味道: 7.5/10 推薦程度: 7.5/10
地點: 尖沙咀 Tokyo Secret 🌋🍦-楓之火焰- $48 哈哈哈…👉期間限定👈四個字又出現喺我面前啦, 我當然會試呢隻榛子味啦 榛子味雪糕上面既朱古力紅桑子汁放入了可食用乾冰, 製造了好似火山冒煙同即將要爆發既視覺效果, 增加左一份神秘感 榛子味頗突出, 再配上爆炸糖, 紅桑子糖粒, 同底下微脆既焦糖爆谷, 每一啖都感受到多重既口感, 頗有驚喜 酸酸甜甜既紅桑子粒中和番杯雪糕既甜味, 減輕食完榛子雪糕既飽滯感 賣相: 8/10 味道: 7.5/10 推薦程度: 7.5/10
地點: 旺角朗豪坊Sweet Monster - 焦糖爆谷雪糕- Caramel Monster $39 終於同fds試左韓國人氣雪糕啦, 好多謝喺我個肚吾係太舒服既時候買黎一齊share, 不過神奇既係食完好似冇禁胃痛了~ Sweet Monster牛奶雪糕係以人手製作雪糕, 成份中超過75%為牛奶, 令雪糕充滿牛奶香, 質感幾幼滑。 SWEET MONSTER以牛奶雪糕為底層,內外再配上非油炸既爆谷。焦糖爆谷為雪糕增添甜味, 爆谷吾會因為放左喺雪糕上面而變得不脆, 就算食到底部, d爆谷仍然維持到香脆既口感。 軟滑濃郁既牛奶雪糕再混合鬆脆既焦糖爆谷,口感好特別 賣相: 8/10 味道: 8/10 推薦程度: 8/10
餐廳: 九龍塘又一城 Sweetology -抹茶杏仁窩夫- $78 剛烘完既窩夫外脆內軟, 窩夫入面吾係全實心, 所以食完吾會太飽肚 窩夫既抹茶味吾係太突出, 較易讓紅豆同雪糕既味掩蓋, 個人鐘意將紅豆同杏仁放上窩夫上面, 再沾綠茶雪糕於上面, 因為雪糕令窩夫食落冇甘乾身, 然後不理儀態甘一大啖放入口~ 紅豆既甜度適中, 味道突出, 份量對我呢個紅豆迷黎講岩岩好, 整體黎講紅豆似乎才是主角呢 賣相: 8.5/10 味道: 8/10 推薦程度: 8/10
Have desserts at 3:15pm is a culture in Hong Kong, and I have followed this culture for more than 5 years already. I always go to mong kok for desserts, but I have never visited pheromone dessert house, as I believe they do not offer wide choices of (matcha) desserts and drinks for me to choose from. As there are a lot of people in other dessert shops, me and my friend have finally decided to try out this dessert place. As the staff said that there was something wrong with a machine in the kitchen, we have waited for our desserts for about 20 minutes until we are being served. I have ordered the matcha waffle with green tea ice cream and red bean. The waffle does not have a strong matcha taste, the taste of the waffle could be easily covered by the taste of the ice cream and the red bean. The waffle is crispy outside and soft in inside. The sweetness of the red bean is moderate, and the portion of it is just enough for me, as I am a big red bean fan! My friend has orde